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Special Needs Trust Leaves Significant Legacy

Special Needs Trust Leaves Significant Legacy

Polly Mack was a loving concerned mother who attended parent support groups at the Mental Wellness Center while her son Phillip participated in its Fellowship Club. Phillip was a charming man who enjoyed the activities offered through the Center.

Phillip was in his late 50s when Polly passed away. As a result of careful planning, Polly left a Special Needs Trust to assist in supporting her son during his remaining life, and named the Mental Wellness Center as the ultimate beneficiary. When Phillip himself died in 2014, 100 percent of the remaining trust assets came to the Mental Wellness Center as Polly's legacy gift to the organization that had served both her and her son during their lifetimes.

Polly's generous estate gift, which included both real estate and investments, was a transformative gift for MWC. The MWC Board was able to leverage one home for 6 people into long-term rentals for 17 clients and a new house for 10 clients, plus pay off debt, increase cash flow, and build a healthy reserve fund that helps to protect and sustain the organization today.

That new house, purchased in 2017, is called Polly's House, and carries on the special legacy of Polly Mack and her beloved son Phillip. They will long be remembered by all who benefit today and in the future from their generosity.

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